• This is Social Media Marketing

    Targeted Campaigning for all industries,in all markets and at all age groups and target markets.

  • Social Media Management

    Manangement of all socia media platforms from dashboard, including CRM and campaign management

  • YouTube marketing

    YouTube the second largest search engine, only after Google, A great untapped market

Showing posts with label social media consultants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media consultants. Show all posts

Monday, 22 September 2014

5 Ways to boost your Social Media Presence

Everyone is looking for new ways to boost their online presence and Social Media activity and there are without a doubt plenty of advice columns. Just in case a few people have missed them, here are another five hints.

1. Scoop.it! Yes  join scoop it and curate it daily. It only takes 5 minutes every day and compared to other platforms, it manages to drive crazy amounts of traffic to and from your website. The key to using Scoop.it is to remember to Scoop everyday. Don't forget to cross post to your favourite platforms and Scoop.its free account allows you to cross post to at least two platforms, FaceBook and Twitter being the first to come to mind!

2. Use a social Media Dashboard - It has become noticeable that the mainstream cheapies the likes of Sprout Social have suddenly become expensive! If you can afford it, we continue to recommend Postling which provides an easy to use, intuitive user interface and at a song $5 for five accounts and $1 for each additional account. This provides quick and easy management of all your active platforms in one place with control over cross posting and enables you to set up tweets and post well ahead of time.

3.Blog from a different domain. Most online blogging platforms have fabulous page ranks. So if you blog on Blogger, WordPress, Wix or Webs, you can be sure you are back-linking to your site from a ready made high ranking page. While this does not guarantee an immediate online presence it certainly helps a lot to get you closer to that all evasive first page of Google, and is a strategy we recommend to all our new clients. Keep your main site on your domain and blog with a subdomain link. - It all helps.

4. Recommend your article to Mashable. Reputable aggregating sites such as Mashable and Technorati, will not only drive traffic to your site, but also provide the kudos that you need to improve that page rank, and wow, what a long term digital footprint it leaves!

5. Check for plagiarisn EVEN if you wrote the article by yourself. The internet is so full of content that there is no way of knowing whether there are multiple duplicates of the phrases that you use. Google's algorithms can be quite pernickity and if you use just that little too much that appears to be cut and pasted even from several different sources, you're out on a limb. A fabulous free online tool for this can be found at small SEO tools.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Social Media Integration - Maximise Your Online Business Potential

You have a website, and you get leads and information from this,perhaps even some data, and you might be thinking    "why do I need social media?"  and that's a good question. After all, what else can integrating social media into your business online presence do for your organisation? How about this...

  • Customer service. You can interact with your customers in real time on social media, answering any enquiries or complaints and building on line communities. This gets people engaged with your business.
  • Invite people you've searched for to connect with you.Offer them incentives, coupons and discounts. It's a great way to seek out new business. 
  • Generate new sales leads by looking for users who tweet or post about your business area or product.
  • Add your social media 'handles' to your brochures and website and ask people to connect with you. Position yourself as *the* expert in your field of business
  • Recruit new staff by using social media to advertise. You can even use social media sites like LinkedIn for the application and CV submission process. It's also a great way to head-hunt the right people as you can search through on line profiles.
  • Monitor your competitors.You can watch to see what they're up to and engage with their customers. Do it better than they do!
  • Promote new products across all your on line sites. Increase the reach of your campaign.
  • Use stats and analytics tools to direct your marketing and tell you where your business is coming from. Big data can give you loads of useful information you perhaps didn't know about your business area.

If you use a bit of blue sky thinking you could probably think of many more reasons to integrate social media into your business, but whatever you do,get some good advice from a specialist social media consultant and make sure you maximise the potential of social media.

It is really great when you start to see folks using the social media 'buttons' on your website to tweet you and post to Facebook. Or connect with you via LinkedIn or leave a tip about you on FourSquare. But make sure you set up your website to tweet and Facebook and Google+1  automatically whenever you make any changes.

 Maximise your business potential with fully integrated social media. Let Nomsindo become your social media partners. We Create Conversations...